Thursday, May 31, 2007

The first rule on time travelling: You are to remain invisible, and to leave as little an impact on the past or the future as possible.

The second rule on time travelling: You are to time travel at your own risk, and a return to the original time-space vector is not a given.

The third rule on time travelling: You are responsible for your own time travel route. Should you get lost, you are to locate and construct your own time marker to get yoruself back onto your designated route.

The fourth and the most important rule on time travelling: You are not to interfere intentionally with birth or death of any living creature. Any preconceived interference would automatically mean a destruction of the primary time marker which will lead to an erasure of your primary form at the point of origin.

Time travelling is now possible.
You laugh. Don't. BEcuase you can't be sure that the person you sit next to on the bus did not come from another time zone, posing as someone from your own time. Nor can you be sure that the next cockroach you stomp on is not some tourist from the future. In fact, the fact that cockroach is the oldest creature on earth has a story behind it. In 2489, a new breed of cockroach were sucessfully sent back in time to cross breed with ancient breeds. The sucess of sending something back in time fully intact and raised a storm all across the globe. Scientists got more ambitious and sent cockroaches as far back in time as they could. So cockroaches may not have been the million year old creature you are now being taught to think. And by 2489, human consciousness has become something transferable from embodiments to embodients, that is the fastest way to travel by the 25th century. Physical movement is too slow, the psychical transference is much faster and more efficient. You no longer have to call a friend just to send information or a message, you just need to possess the nearest thing you friend is holding or using. You can become a possessed cup in her hand and then send your mental message to her. That of course made cheating on spouses and girl/boy friends extremely difficult. So new devices have been created to block off the intruding psychic forces, or at least have some kind of alert system to prepare one for any out-of-body intrusion which is on its way to haunting your pen, your cups or any ordinary items.

And that of course put Einstein and his followers in a difficult position. In fact, all scientists were put into a terrible situation where material reality, rules and physic laws are no longer as important or all emcompassing. Shamans, priests, palmreaders, any psychics are the movers and shakers and inventors in this new century where people have discovered the power of mental and soul force. The body and the external is no longer as emphasized as in the past.

In fact the activity done the most in the future is to sleep and dream, menial labourers, the lowest in the social hierachy are still around to feed, dress, clean the masses. As always the people closest to the dirt of phyiscal reality and the secretions of flesh and blood occupy the lowest rung on the ladder. And by 25th century, the person with the highest mental, soul psychic force became the leader. Development of mental skills were important if you did not want to be mentally controlled by another of superior power. Unless of course you chose to abandon the pyschical realm for the real. There are stranders who refused to be part of the network and became vagabonds hovering a little between the two, they tried sleeping as little as possible so as not to intrude into that realm, but they also stayed away form the hard dirty work demanded of the physical realists.

The psychical mases could have communal dreams, and travel in time merely by posssessing objects in the future or the past. OF course, no one bothered travelling to the future, simply because the objects open for haunting were so few. Physical reality no longer has importance in the future, so there are little pathways for them to travel to, portals became miserably few. BUt the past, that was a rich playground for the adventurous and those who wants to create a little havoc. But none of them dare betray the rules for fear that they very own existence could be put into jeopardy. The past though massively acessible were a riskier part of the game. They could by accident change things such that events follow a different path eventually leading to their own destruction or just the simple fact of them not ever being born.

Call it universal karma or God's divine rules, personal influences on past or future is greatly limited. Not your silly science fiction type movies where a person can try to change the course of the world or bring history of mankind down a different path, because it has already been proven that a person's influence on the matters or people, or events around him or her is extremely small. It is like an ant trying to bring down a whole forest. So no change of consequence could be wrought by a single person or even a group of people. To seriosly change past events like the elimination of Hitler before 1939 or to let the first emperor of China be assinated before the unification would need several generations of people to all work together, and even then sucess is not a given. Often the only changes time travel would bring is personal, your own un-doing or little triumphs which would only matter to the individual, at most a community.

The worry that someone from the future might try to bring critical information back to the past which would lead to a precognition and hence a possible wave effect into the future is also unnecessary. Because as it is already obviously known, the human race is notorious for their bad judgment, and lack of imagination. Any well intention person from the future would sooner be locked up in the asylum than be listened to. Their well meaning advice would sooner cause their own end than to be treasured by the ignorant throngs. By the 25th century, the futility of trying to advice people from the past and warn them of dire consequences of their course of action has generally been accepted. Time travel while it was once seen as a portal to bringing about great chances have by now become just another tourist opportunity, another great escape from the here and now.

Ladies and gentlemen, now that you are familiar with the system of time travelling, the safety and even profitability of this enterprise, you are also free to invest into this arena of great future and past possibilities. It is also a vehicle for generating tremendous revenue. Especially if insurance commercial segments also show an interest in partnership. What I am doing here today coming all the way from the future, is to assure of the profitability of your investment today, that it will reap a great reward in the future and of course figuratively also your past. Now, if you have any questions, I will open the floor for questions.


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