Monday, April 09, 2007

I have X-ray eyes. Not the kind superman has. His x-ray eyes are inferior, it is superficial and pierces only the shallowness of life, he uses it for necessity. That explains why it is superficial, anything used only when necessary cannot truly be deep or cut right through to the heart of things. My X-ray eyes can't be controlled, like all special gifts--superpowers, they come with a price--incontrollability. Any Prof Xs who tell you that you can control special powers is a liar, probably just power hungry people or people with their own agenda and mission trying to recruit members to expand their ever increasing power fortresses. If you read comics and think Prof X is the good guy, you are a fool, but I can't blame you, afterall you have no X-ray eyes.

X-ray eyes lets me see this world, its past, its future and the inevitability of it all. Existence, end of existence, lives, past lives, reincarnations, next lives. Lots of people don't want believe in reincarnations. Lots of people want ot believe in reincarnation. Especially new lovers, they want to imagine their lovers and themselves in past lives. OK. He was a rat, you his droppings. You could say that you have a pretty close relationship.

I see this guy reading Aristotle on the bus, a homeless man sitting next to him teases him about it. The guy makes some lame conversation about the book belonging to his girlfriend, a colledge reader and he was reading it just for, well, fun. The homeless rattles on about how good readings are made so difficult, and how they really should have more discussions in schools on the subject. THe guy slightly irritated tries to end the conversation. Wanting to wave off the old guy like some fly buzzing around his dinner plate--what a nuisance to converse. What the young guy doesn't know is that the old bum is Aristotle reborned. Well the old guy doesn't know it either. But that's not the point, the point is, the spirit of Aristole or any Greek philospher in today's age has been destined to become a homeless bum. Homeless people have lots of great philosophies about life. IN fact they are our modern age "greek philosphers". People who used to sit around all day doing nothing but talking, thinking about life, about the universe, coming up with crackpot theories about everything, has today, become the homeless on the streets. Well they are the equivalent, only the society has changed, and thoughts without a practical reason, which does not derive ultimate utility are worthless just like the thinkers. They who used to be the high and mighty--have in time turned to be the lowest rung on the ladder. They have been doing pretty much the same thing, only in a different time. That's the world for you.

Confucius just boarded the bus. He has been reborned as a middle class, slave to some small dingy office. He who still detest the merchants, and all those multi-national companies, is, in this lifetime a loser. The advocate of honest hard work, he who placed the merchants on teh bottom of the social order in his thoughts, is today obliged to serve the rich merchants who manufacture nothing but illusions, desires and empty jumping digits. He works in his small office, with no ambition to rise above, he sees no evil, hears no evil, speak no evil in hs bubble of oblivion, while office politics and the aggressive wars rage around him. He of course has no guts to invest. HE saves his miserly wage, and just prays for an uneventful life. An African American bumps into him, sneers at him and he cowers.

Jesus and all your biblical matyrs have in this life gone extremists. Their spirits of pursuing a cause to death and their firm faith has no place in this half-hearted world of our age. Everyone is half-hearted, eat half-hearted, breathe half-hearted, who believes in nothing but only what can be seen. They willingness to die has been condemned, and their acts are seen as futile destructions. Jesus so powerful, charismatic in another lifetime, whose death has been replayed and replayed and its majestic beauty been retold again and again, cannot be real in this life time because when someone matyrs his/herself, we see it as senseless. IF you choose ot kill yourself in this life for an invisible God, you are crazy or worse, terrorist.

Everyday I open my eyes and I see these same old spirits inhabiting new settings and how quickly they become irrelevant. How the old still lives, only badly parodied. I am not cursed with responsiblity with my great powers, only a dsiqueiting sadness which pervades everything I see and do, but I still see great beauty admist all the great hyporcisy and the changes which everyone pretends not to see right under their noses. How if all the great people came back and revisited us, they would be so sad, so shocked, or so ordinary. But the flowers still bloom with constancy and the new life still cries with that same deep sense of hope, and I close my eyes to smell the blossom and hear that first cry.


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