Wednesday, May 16, 2007

We are so intelligent
yes clever
so darn superior
we spin lies
like being the most intellgent species
or a chosen race
so evolved
we invented atomic bombs
and almost destroyed ourselves
nine times over
made cars, televisions, all those
scientific mumbo-jumbos
so amazingly progressive
we wrought global warming at unstoppable pace
all in a couple hundreds of years
so ambitious
we explored space
littered the galaxy
and blind ourselves to our insignificance
so categorical
we named things
and then classified them in little boxes
and propagate them to our future generations
so humble
we congratulate ourselves
every single day
on how far we have come
the progress we have made
See, how amazing washing machines are
people used to wash in the rivers
that's when they understood the value of nature
our dependence
but we have grown from that
we are weaned on nature
no longer
but latex, plastic, neon lights

How great mankind is.


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