Friday, March 09, 2007

The Beatles asked this question first, not me. Scientists have finally found the answer or believe they have it, this time. Apparently, lonely people come from other universes-- out of that vast expanse out there we call the 'galaxy', but whose (yes, whose)real name is in fact John. John has been the 'galaxy' for almost 50 millenias now, he's still new to the job and occasionally these lonely people coming from other universes slip past John's noses (he has 10,000). Lonely people are in fact illegal migrants, immigrants from other universes. For example, just today, I met a man from the universe cheese, I was able to alleviate his lonely condition for the length of our conversation, but basically he had a relapse the moment I said goodbye. This makes a lot of sense because, lonely people feel like aliens. Well, in fact they are.

We earthlings must have sniffed out something uncanny in these people's beings. Maybe they smell like the wrong kind of cheese and we find their company unbearable. And what is new but discrimination and cruelty of human beings in general. WE are a xenophobic life form. We are afraid of our own fellow inhabitants of the planet, we chop them up into little bits or sizzle them on a pan in our tasty cannibalism, or we cut out body parts and wear them or use them as art decorations. What the heck that's us, and poor unfortunate lonely people have to choose to migrate here of all places. Migrants--these homeless lonely folks. Though, the studies have been inconclusive as to whether their loneliness was the trigger to their migration or a consequnce of it. All migrants are aliens(in legal terms) and all aliens are lonely. And all lonely people are aliens. A circular argument of sorts, but nevertheless still very logical in an Earthly kind of way. Mind you though, "alien" is a relative term. They have not always been aliens, back home they have been something else. The word Alien is of course a label and a vulgarity.

I think I will name my daughter Eleanor Rigby, so that she can have her origins marked right out and not try to blend in crazily, but I'm sure she will try her darnest to fit in. Lonely people are just like that they know the eventual outcomes, as history has always taught them, but still they try. I don't know where the line between preserverance and stupidity is. I don't even think line is a good word. And lonely people can never get together and form a society, because afterall they are lonely people. They can never just rise up and demand lonely people rights. Though they do protest on their own every single day.

I think crazy people have it much easier. Afterall, they are in their home ground. Craziness is an Earth-bound disease. These crazy people migrate to other universes and get labeled as cuckoos. But unlike lonely people, crazy people usually have a better chance, they don't bother fitting in, and do a pretty decent job of flaunting madness and turning pop stars.

Anyway, lonely people are almost certain to be misunderstood. I doubt you can understand all these sincere words from a lonely soul. (As to whether aliens have souls that is still currently being debated.) You probably already smell something fishy in this piece of prose. It won't be long before you whiff the cheese too.. Thanks for stopping by though. For a moment I felt less lonely.


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