Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Possibilities missed. The things which did not happen.
Roads branching out into a million trails at intersections
which fate ultimately forces one to walk down only one.
It could have happened, but didn't.
Watching something grow, bud from the seed
a probability.
It may blossom into a flower, a tree,
it can also be stomped on by an unsuspecting passerby
or just simply die out
or dry up
or be plucked by inquisitive kids.
Or perhaps end up as a pressed flower in someone's favourite book.
How the story could have ended differently.
How we will never know otherwise
Here's an ode to those moments
to those other possibilities
the stories which could have happened.

To the 'if's, to the 'or's, to the 'might have's in life.
To the mysteries of those lost chances.
To putting them behind with a smile.
To wondering
To forgetting
To remembering.
To every missed opportunity
To that unwritten story that fate sometimes hints at
To moving on
until the next cross road arrives.


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