Tuesday, February 28, 2006

She was planning to make a soup, opening her freezer to get a frozen slab of pig muscles. That's when she found the dead body. Crumpled up inside her freezer, looking a bloody piece of meat from the butcher shop. She almost threw up, except that she was simply too shocked. She kept trying to get one thing straight, How the thing got in her freezer. She had no idea how it came to be so stuffed up in her spotlessly clean kitchen always only full of smell of muffins and fried eggs in the mornings with occasional pancakes. Now confronted with a foreign object inside her territory, she is at loss.

How long has it been in there? Next to her marinated lamb chops, tubs of ice cream and her party ice. Everything was so normal other than the weird object that it all seemed surreal. Should she call the cops? What would they think? She would probably be accused of being a murderer if not, an accomplice in some scandalous business. There was no sign of forced entry into the house, nor it being a practical joke. What should a housewife do upon finding a dead body in her freezer on her Soup-making day? She decided to clean her son's school shoes to distract herself and come back to the problem a while later after recovering from the shock. By 2pm, she was distrubed enough to call her husband to see if he has any clue, or to find out if he has had a part in the horrible business in the freezer.

As she waited for his answer, she thought of what a waste it would be to throw her marinated lambchops away. She had left it marinating for five days. He, as usual, was not in his office. She thought, maybe if she left things alone, everything might eventually return to normal. Whoever or whatever strange twist of fate that had left a dead body in her freezer might clear it up all in good time. But the next time she opened her freezer, it was still there. Next to the now inedible lambchops. That's when she decided to call the police. Thinking that if she turned up at the police station would seem more sincere, she baked a cake and took a bus down to the station.

Noone paid her any attention at the station. When she was finally attended to, after a spending a long time trying to catch someone's attention without wanting to appear rude, a police man with a cup of black coffee asked her if he could offer her any assistance. She told him about the strange appearance of dead body in her freezer about a week ago. The policeman could hardly believe his ears, and in all his long years in the career had never heard anything more insane and bizarre. Feigning a cough to regain his composure, he called for back ups and went down to the woman's house.

Sure enough, the body was still where it was. Next to the lambchop, by the tubs of icecream, untouched. Forensics determined that it had probably been dead for 20 over days. Plus, minus the effects of it being forzen and preserved inside the freezer. The family, which the strange incident revolved around, was as normal as can be. For months and weeks before the dated death of the ex-woman, now a frozen dead object, the family had functioned as it had always functioned. No quarrels, no nothing. Nothing strange what-so-ever. The whole thing was so insanely weird that the police authorities had no idea how to go about the case. They absolutely forbade any leakage of the case into the media, for fear of it being blown out of proportion.

Meanwhile, scores of psychoanalysis tests, personality quizzes have been adminstered to the family, especially to the housewife. To see if any split personality or mental illness would reveal the apparent normality of the family and the strange circumstance it stumbled upon. Whilst she had always been sure of her sanity, being forced to sit through hours of test on end made our housewife a little edgy, and she wondered if she had indeed killed a woman by accident and in a fit of madness hid her in the freezer and forgot all about it. But the identity of the dead woman remained a mystery and refused to yield clues.

Months on from the day the housewife discovered a dead body in her freezer, no headway was made into the case. Police found themselves pressed up against the wall in a dead alley for the search for an explanation which would calm everyone involved's nerves. None was found. Until one day, after being pushed to the edge of exhaustion, the husband innocently asked
"Darling what happened to my sperm and your egg that we were supposed to have donated to the clinic? Is it still left in the freezer?'


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