Thursday, July 05, 2007

We all become robots? OR are we all robots programed to believe certain things about us, our world. To believe that Love is the best thing, the most powerful emotion only capable of being expressed by humans, our special perogative. That animals even should they protect their young, or have complex processes of courtship and mating is just a shadow of real love, the kind written about in all holy sciptures, the kind that is said to exist between us and our Gods. That there are promises, betrayals, stories of where we come form, who we are, where we are going. That our tears and the most precious, speaking of pain, hurt and something higher than the cows facing the slaughter house. Those tears are just an imitation of real pain, the fear is just an animal one. The cow tears are empty. Just like everything in nature are materials, they are things for us to take and build our dreams upon. Cut down those trees, that we may have a house to live in, and have the warmth of family inside these little wooded wombs. Tear down those wooded limbs that they may be turned into little white sheets for human secret desires and human genius to freely dance on. Ink like little birds in flights, which eventually become monuments of human race's achievements. These becomes pages of great literature, music sheets of the most divine music, and letters of the most pirvate thoughts shared only between the most intimates. And so their stories have been long forgotten by us. So that we believe in all sincerity that Genesis is the right version of the very beginning. That the world was prepared for the arrival of men, and women. That God had created all these animals and plants and beautiful things only that it may be viewed by our eyes and awe us and make us cry. But perhaps there was another version before this one.

God saw that everything he made was good. He looked upon all his creatures and plants, the beauty of his creation and called them together. He turned first to light and darkness and told them, you are the eldest of my creations, the first of anything in existence. You will be the guidance of all the other living creatures, their lives will be dictated by your twin essences. There will be light and darkness in all my creations. Then he looked at the earth and the sea, you are the second of my creation, I will place you in charge of my other creatures that they may have a home in you and you being their provider shall be blessed to see the changing times of this very existence. Next he turned to the sun and moon and stars, I gave you great beauty that you may guide the world, you are to keep the balance between light and dark that there may be equal time for both for all my living creatures which I have gifted with this dual nature. He then looked at the plants and smiled that them, I amde you the way you are that you may be strong and silent and still. The creatures which come after you may mistake your stillness for lifelessness and unconsciousness but I have given you intelligence too that you may in your special way be fruitful. You will play an important role in sustaining the life on this planet. Lastly, he turned to the animals, you, my children will be free to walk, swin abd fly this earth, and live and be happy in my bounty, I gave you everything that is needed to be happy and you are all blessed to be satisfied with my gift. Then he turned to all his creation and said. I have plans for my youngest of creatures among you, they will come last and will think that because of that they are the most special. They will be filled with a lack which will drive them to keep taking from the rest of you. But in all things there must be a balance, I gave you all great gifts that you may give. That is your mission and your calling. Now I will create creatures who will take. They may seem less of grace than you but they are as much my creation of goodness as you. You will love and take care of them as elder siblings will for the younger. They will think themselves different and not understand your language but have their own, they will be ambitious, they will be stubborn and disobedient, but they are my children as much as you all are mine. With those words, the sky, the earth, the sun and moon, plants and creatures all bowed their heads and made a promise which they have been faithful and loyal to till this day.