Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I wait. Waiting for Godot? Hah a good joke. Though too dry and intellectual for my own taste. I wait. For the bus? Too boring and mudane, who cares about people waiting for buses. People don't give a damn about the ordinary. I wait. For death to descend, too metaphysical. Besides, aren't we all sick of death by now? What? Am I sitting at a candle lit dinner table waiting for my date with Mr Death all dressed in black to appear and sit right down and start carving his bloody steak. Please. I wait. What am I waiting for. Bloody hell. This is the worse kind of question. I wait. For the love of a lifetime. Dah, down with fairytales here. I'm in no mood for sunset rides on horseback with royalties. I wait for my lucky break. For that lottery number to materialize. No, the wait is too long and most certainly will lead to nothing. An unfulfilled wait. Then what's the whole point? Where's the drama of waiting? I need more suspense. I wait in the claustrophobic office for my job interview. I wait. I wait. For the microwave oven to do its little counting down. I wait for the food inside to explode. No no no, too morbid. And besides I already mentioned people don't give a shit for the everyday. Unless it is the fictional kind of everyday where peole are nothing like the everyday dressed up to be everyday-like. Do you get my point? I wait for the information to sink in. I wait for you to understand. Catch up with me. I wait.

I wait. For the phone to ring. How the hell should I know who's call I'm expecting? The phone haven't rang off its crackers yet. Ok, this definitely does not work. I wait. In line. Always the second, the third, the fourth. Never the first. I wait. I wait. On a sunday afternoon, for something extrodinary to change my life? I wait. With patience for an acknowledgement and understanding of myself to evolve. I wait for my calling, my meaning. I wait. I wait for the frivolous. A letter? A telephone bill? The wait must be of an indeterminable length of time, it must be torturous and feels like eternity? I wait for eternity. I wait. It is too spiritual. I wait.
I wait for an inspiration, a song from the muses while I am musing. I wait for the muses to change their sex, become a man and then seduce me. I wait for the mould to grow on the bread, watch nature paint a white surface.

I wait. For this story to take its shape. Become meaningful. Fruitful--a wait. Unlike all our little waits our whole life. Lives after lives after lives of waiting. Waiting. Waiting for Godot is no longer funny. Only the waiting remains.

I wait.


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