Thursday, January 04, 2007

Inspired by the song " Year 3000" which starts: " I said I've been to the year 3000, not much has changed but they live underwater..." and a late night conversation with my sis.)

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Yes, I've been to the year 3000, but unlike the stupid boy band song, No. They don't live underwater. Things are not fine and dandy. What has been rapidly happening in the 21st century-- a deep suspicion of the progression of man and the upward path of history as a long drawn road of improvement and evolution has long become a myth, so badly disfigured and destroyed, no one any longer recognizes it in even a mangled resemblance of humanity's once glorious past and deep but naive belief in its ability and destiny. Once upon a time, like in the fairy tales, humanity had a glorious period of culture and growth and that deep faith in its unique destiny to fulfil on the planet. But that is all gone now. It takes a traveller who has seen where the world was heading in 3000 and what was left of it really, to say this.

People are asking themselves questions, difficult ones, even in the 21st cenutry, by the time it reaches the 31st century, the questions have almost altogether disappeared--no point in asking them any longer. Everything no longer needs an answer nor even a question. The Earth, I can't even bear to say its name or rather what is left of it, is no longer the idyllic paintings we see in Renaissance nor even the cheesy photoshopped calendar photos you all are so used to seeing and taking it as a stand-in for the real nature in your little steriles office spaces and homes. I don't see the point in describing the view of the world in 3000, it is not all grey, black, red like some angry expressionist painting of a bloodied mess. No it is not ugly, but beauty is no longer relevant, nor is nature nor is anything for that matter by the 3000. Nothing is relevant, nothing is reverent by 3000. I wish I can say it is because of boredom. Human kind have reached its peak and boredom quickly took over pride and ambition, boredom is of course a more lasting emotion than many we call inspiration, anger, love, hate all those. Boredom is long drawn and lasts much longer. But it is not boredom, at least it did not start out as boredom. As always it is a new discovery. It is always the new discoveries which destroy, but this one. It is different from all those which came before it.

When the cavemen discovered fire, it changed everything. The new discovery destroyed everything old and ushered in something new, a step up some would say. Then there is that realization that the world is not flat, then a whole series of major breakthroughs which of course changed our world views forever. The occasion great philosophers dotted the earth and gloried the world with their ideas and they too, forever changed the course of humanity. There was Jesus, Buddha, all the Greek godheads who came and are gone to become stories. You in the 21st century are alreaady starting to challenge a certain notion called truth, only by 3000 they will take it even further. Even in the 21st cenutry peole are curious about what the next great breakthrough and next earth shattering discovery would be that will forever change our perceptions or should I say misconceptions.

Galileo suggested that the earth was not fixed and that it was the sun which was stationary, Newton and his theory of gravity, Einstein declared that time was relative and many more scientists in the 20th century contributed greatly asked many great questions sought the magnificent answers and shaped the way everythign is understood. The reason why questions no longer became relevant by 3000 is because perhaps, the wrong kinds of questions were asked and tragically, the wrong kinds of answers were found. It may seem strange or even crazy to you that I may even suggest that answers can destroy questions. Douglas Adams discussed this when he in his way of trying to shed some light on the nature of finding ultimate questions and answers--an impossibility because his characters can never both find the ultimate question and the answer, if you have one you cannot have the other in that way you can never make full sense of it all.

I wish I can tell you Adams was right, if he was then it would have saved alot of trouble and perhaps the 31st century, but unfortunately he is wrong. By the time of 3000, the reign of science and scientists the great movers and shakers of your own millenia has long drawn to an end. It fizzled out slowly, the fierce battles between religion and science destroyed each other. The both have little life left by the 3000s--what was left were the many philosophers who have for the longest time been forgotten and left to fester in isolation, publishing works and saying things which no one gives a damn. Turns out, by 3000 they are the sole survivor of anything form of knowledge even left intact. But knowing philosophers, they have to question everythgin and destroy all assumptions--they are in other words people who can only make a mess out of things and not put them back together. Descartes of course is enough an example--he was trying to prove without a doubt the existence of god, what he did was prove that nothing can be trusted for a certainty and no one has been able to patch up his mess ever since.

The philosphers, somehow, have managed to come up with an irrefutable argument. A question and answers about the foundation of all of humanity's knowledge. Philosophers need to attack things and as always they work from the foundation up. Turns out Galileo, Einstein, Newton and all that gang of famous photos you can do a quick google on the internet were all wrong. Darwin was wrong, Jesus, Buddha and everyone preceeding had it wrong all along. It is a very simple fact about human is that they learn things by building one block on top of the other, we call it improvement. We 'improve ideas', meedle, make it better find more evidence to support our knowledges put them in shatterproof glasses so no one ever touches the core the foundation. Even if we are wrong we will be safe from finding out. But by 3000 we can no longer even fool ourselves from ourselves. All our millenias of mistakes built one on top of the other, have finally fallen to the dust. The very first caveman was wrong, Darwin the wrongest of the lot. He most famously observed the flower and the butterfly seeing how the butterfly's delicate tongue was almost designed to fit the flower to better feed on its nectar gave him the idea of evolution. Of course they fitted because the problem started long before Darwin, when the first caveman gave a distinct name to the flower and the butterfly, he had been wrong. when our ancestors first thought of themselves as separate and distinct they had made a mistake. Darwin could have been the first to discover the mistake but of course he was still too blind to humanity's own foolishness to see where his theory was pointing. Of course they fitted they are but one organism, the butterfly moves from flower to flower but really all that is one thing, it is only our system of classification which made things different. And boy, you can imagine how knowing that our most fundamental system of classification was wrong threw the world into a fit.

To make this easier for the peole of your time, just imagine what happens when bloodcells start thinking that they are distinct from other things functioning in your body--that apparently was what was driving the Earth to death. Just be thankful bloodcells have yet evolved consciousness--ok that is a bad joke on my part. By 3000, evolution is really just a good joke along with everything that has happened in human history thus far. People just stick to thinking about the everyday that is just safer, no questions thank you, no answers either. HAve a good day. No one is interested in anything anymore. No, Nietzsche was wrong, God was not dead in his time. God is dead by 3000, he is only dead when questions die. And when the last question died so too did God.

And that is why I'm back here, life without questions is just intolerable, people are trying hard to revert back into being an animal but really that is just foolishness. WE have gone to far and gone on too long to turn around now. Stuck in the middle trying to carry on, that is the hardest. Hey but knowing you, me and all of this humanity, I know you are just going to take my words as fanciful stories told by an imaginative drunk. But anyhow, that is they way I like you to take my little story, go on question this. It is the most precious thing we ever had and don't just take my word for it.


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