Monday, June 19, 2006

Heaven, such a beautiful word, such a beautiful place, beyond the imagination. Beyond human mind, beyond conceptualization. NO image can describe it. The place we all long to be in some day. No one really thinks about the term, it is taken as a given, that it will be a paradise, that what can not be achieved on Earth in this life, can be attained in this mysterious place we all hope to fly to. It is assumed that it lies somewhere above. Probably among clouds with winged citizens playing harp, drinking out of rivers of honey and milk. Streets paved with precious stones and such lovely sights you cannot even begin to imagine. And then there will be peace, happiness , contentment. What if heaven was altogether a different picture? What if no one has ever really thought about heaven as it might really be? A Communist state gone right? Where everybody thinks alike? Where personal identity no longer is an issue, everyone would become part of a whole. A perfect whole united in God’s love. But if every religion has an exclusive paradise, does that mean that in a particular heaven only a certain group of like-minded individuals has the right to abode. Heaven if there indeed is one, must, in my opinion, be free from such politics. I would much rather become an atom without consciousness than to live in a place that is exclusively for a certain group of people. It is scary. I wish Heaven was a place where there will be no people, no division, no more prejudice, no more exclusivity. But then, where will the line between order and chaos be? Perhaps, Heaven and Hell is really the same place, on different days. Through different eyes. OR perhaps, they are both existing on the same plane.

If all religious groups claim an exclusive right to the truth and they all have a promise of the ultimate end. Where would you end up if you have not made up your mind? A short life time of, for the average human being, 70 years will decide your fate for eternity. Your essential core which survives your material being will then be punished or rewarded according to the choices you as a human has made. You as a human with your carnal desires, needs, whims and fancies of the physical being. Sometimes, the supposed central core, the spiritual centre aspires a lot but we as beings in flesh and blood can only attain so much height before our bodies decompose and with it our individuality, our identity our memories. Then I wonder where then is the beauty left? Perhaps, being nothing would be a nice break.

What about the people who had made a mistake, or because of various circumstances, did not meet the criteria to become one of Heaven’s citizen. Will they be refugees roaming the universe? Perhaps, at death, it is the end. A fullstop. Or perhaps a pause. Eternity is too long for the human mind. We all have to transfigure into some alien being in order to experience heaven and eternity. Maybe that is the picture of heaven. It is just a vast space where our stupidity, our stubbornness, our hatred bred by prejudice and petty claims to truth can finally be at rest. Where division no longer makes sense and heaven and hell are merely a silly fantasy of the smallness of human mind, which always need to think in opposites. And then we will understand that all things are one really. That there is no skin, no morality, no language, no experience that separates me from you, you from that saint or me from that murderer, that there is no distance between us. That there is no heaven there is no hell. That perhaps it is a circle of time, of life, of death, of nothing, of things, of darkness, of light. And then we will be at rest but keep spinning and there is no end, or beginning. Just that.


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