Sunday, August 28, 2005

After Rose dropped the 'heart of the ocean' back into the ocean. It sank. Down into the murky depth. It thought to itself: "Finally I'm free! After all those years with that bloody woman. She didn't even show me off. She wore me once. Got her nude picture painted and left me quite forgotten for god knows how long."
It was fuming as it sank at an incredible speed. An unsuspecting octopus was out foraging for its dinner when 'the heart of the ocean' hit it right on its head. It died on the spot.

" Oh great! Now I'm a murderer too. What a wretched life I have." It laid helpless, on top of the carcass of the octopus. Schools of fishes swam by. None of them paid any attention to the miserable jewel. A clown fish however stopped to ask if it has seen his son.

"Damn! Now I'm stuck in this hell hole. Who is going to admire me? MY life is meaningless. If only I could just die."

But it didn't. It stayed under water for years, decades, centuries. Millenias past, before it was joined by a boy robot who learnt to love. The boy robot waited for the blue fairy to arrive to turn him into a 'real' boy. But of course he was waiting in vain. There was no blue fairy and he was an artificial intelligence who, as it turned out, could run out of battery. So together they waited, one peice of scrap metal with feelings and an abandoned precious jewel. Who were they waiting for?

Strangely, the next being to find these two things were the martians. They had previously tried to conquer earth. Zapping people on the streets into atomic particles. But even with their technology they were brought down by bacterias and micscropic life forms. This time, they learnt their historical lessons well, they froze the earth before they landed. Admist the ice, a prehistoric squirrel was still trying to hide his acorn.

But the story ends when the director finally calls : "cut".


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