Sunday, July 03, 2005

NUmbers in a perons's life tells a story.

Like how a man takes bus 31 everyday. Goes to work on the 16th storey. Sits at the 6th computer from the boss's office. Drinks a total of 9 to 12 cups of coffee a day depending on his stress level. How he is dating 2 women at the same time. When, he is in fact infatuated with 6. (3 of which are celebrities) He plans to get a promotion in 6 month's time. He goes for lunch at 1 o'clock. And goes to BLK 857 for his chicken rice and kopi. Afer work he watches 4 hours ot TV. Sometimes more if there are soccer matches. He usually sleeps 6 hours. In this pattern 4-1.5-0.5. wakign up in between to sometimes take a wee. (approx 200ml)

But the above are just small numbers. We'll try something a bit larger.

He was born in 1975. Which makes him 30 this year. He has an annual income of 36,000. SGD. His account number is 03911671. His pin 453525. His phone number 64532832. His Passport number is 7521468H. He doesn't have a car, but if he should have one,he will want the license plate to be 3030 or 8888.

In such a methodological way, we can create a person's life number profile. Every set of these are unique and even more accurate than DNA processing. One of the technicians in heaven created this way of classification, thus, ending eons of chaos in the 'everyhuman'room in heaven's record room. This heavenly techician was promoted to head angel of the record department. thus, he could devote more time to practising singing to qualify for a spot in Tenor section in the heavenly choir. But that is besides the point. The point is that a person's number profile is so crucial that mixing up even just a single digit can change the event of a person's life so drastically. that a 9 which is misread as a 6 makes a difference between a pauper and a millionaire.A saint or a sinner. A living and a dead man.

For centuries now, Satan and his employees have been trying to get at the secret of this number profile system to clear up the record rooms of Hell.(which is in a worse state than the heaven's record room). Satan had always bore a grudge against God for stealing away all the talents who should rightfully belong in All the great scientists and atheists job-hopped to heaven. (Better benefits)Much to the dismay of Mr.Devil-Director. That is why, a group of gifted idea-engineers from hell came up with an aggressive advertisement campaign to draw more people to work in They call it "Television, mass commuication, entertainment". One pretty package. With their latest instalments : Hollywood.

Due to such successful advertising, had attracted many more employees. And now boasts of their 20 zillion glamourous employeees. Most of them got help from plastic surgeons (who happens to be subsidary of the hell advertisement campaign). But it doesn't matter where your looks come from, as long as you have them in hell. They call it "Looks to kill for."

God is greatly troubled by the drop in Heaven's image in the public mind. While Angels use to be the hippest and coolest beings in the Renaissance period. All great artists wanted Angels as their models. And the public adored the Angels. Their fan base use to be so huge,that Angels had to adopt invisiblity to escape being attacked by mobs of fans. But now, people are obessessed with Hollywood stars and He had nothing to counter the power of Hollywood in the 21st century.

Right now, even as the war wage on. The Heavenly hosts are thinking of sending another messiah or messengre to gather their flocks back... The only question is who should they send that will appeal to people and who can effectively counter the effects of Hollywood...


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