Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Her father is a doctor. She has heard of all his toughest cases. Barely up to his waist, she proclaims that she too, would one day be a doctor. "Just like dad". He would smile and take a sip of his tea and tell her all about his patients. The emergency cases were her favourite. She watched every medical documentary with intense interest. Often, she would only understand a tiny part of what was being shown. But she was content. She was determined to work hard.

For her 5 year old birthday, she received a white robe and a make believe medical kit that she often carried around with pride. She would bandage up her wounded stuff animals and perscribe medications for her dolls. Sometimes, her friends would be her patients or her nurses. She was often proud of her status as the doctor among her fellow peers. Everyone in the playground knows who to turn to for an imaginary scrape or a scratch.

Her world was perfect until Peggy moved in next door. Peggy was of the same age. And Peggy wanted to be a princess when she grew up. She wore frilly pink dresses, and threw tea parties. She sneers at rouwdy playground games. And Peggy was popular, despite her wanting things only her way. For Peggy is a princess and everyone knows that. While she use to be the leader whom everyone respects and listens to. Now, Peggy is the one they flock to.

At first, she thought, their interest in her will just wear off. They will ultimately need the doctor back. But the others were drawn to Peggy. Even the adults. They use to be impressed when she told them that she was one day going to be a doctor. But now, they were more keen to watch the dances and performances put up by Peggy and her friends. The more popular Peggy became, the more she distanced herself from the other children. She kept more to herself and spent most of her play time with her stuffed patients.

Then, she discovered surgery. Her dad had never told her about operatons, being a family doctor, his main concerns were with common illnesses such as flus and fevers. When she bugged him with all her questions, her father could not answer them as comprehesively as he often could. She was disappointed in her dad. He claims that specially trained doctors deal with internal organs whilst he is trained in other areas. She was fascinated by the idea that beneath the skin is a whole new world. A world that was foreign to many. Barely able to read, she formed her own ideas of what a surgeon does for a living.

For Peggy's 6 years old birthday, she invited everyone in the neighbourhood to her birthday party. Even she was excited about Peggy's party. It was to be a dress up party. And she made her mum sew her a surgeon suit with a mask and all. With her usual pride she took her medical kit along. Peggy was dressed as a princess.She wore a jeweled crown and velvet cape. And her home was decorated so that it looked like a castle. After eating, the adults sat in the living room while the children all went into Peggy's room for their own games. Peggy looked around and told her tiny guests that she is going to hold a costume competition. She took turns judging everyone's costumes. Then Peggy looked straight at her and said : " What are you suppose to be?" She beamed proudly, "I'm a surgeon." Peggy looked at her distastefully "Whatever a sugeon is, Surgeons are not allowed in my castle. Gaurds, take her to the dungeon and keep her there until I say otherwise." The children giggled at Peggy's command. And she felt humiliated and outcasted. Two boys put her inside the PEggy's closet. Soon they were playing their own games and quite conviniently forgot about her.

It was only until, Peggy compained of a tummy ache then they send for the surgeon to cure her of this ailment. She was hauled out again by the same 2 boys. And they saw that she has been crying. "Stop crying, you need to cure her highness now."
With all eyes on her. She asked PEggy what was the problem. "I have a terrible tummy ache" Peggy winced. "Is the pain on the inside or on the outside."
"On the inside of course, You dummy." Ignoring the insult, she continued in a serious manner. "Then we'll have to conduct a surgery on you." She confindentally opened her medical kit and took out the precious shaving razor that she had found in her bathroom and kept for important occasions like this. "I will need you to undress and lie down on this bed here."

Outside, the adults were having tea and debating about the education system when they were interruped by a scream followed by a chorus of shouts from the children's room.