Saturday, May 03, 2008

Blankness, his mind, white, numb. Icecubes. No. He had a thought, something important, but it slipped, fell and broke. Fog. A white curtain. He tries to lift it, but it was hard and cold like iron. He charged forward in that eerie white nothingness. Silence, nothing. Nothing. "Come on. Come on!" "Where are you? Come out, come out.." Things, thoughts, beauty, ugliness. are missing. They are. Blank. He feels. nothing. He feels. nothing. What does he feel? What are the words. Dense. Black Smog. No. Papers. Blank papers. He reaches for a pen, it withers turns into black muck. White. Nothing again. A beep maybe. Then an echo, but his mind, still this box he is smashing his head against trying to open. How did he get locked outside the box? His wife asks him "Honey, where did you put the key? You didn't leave it in the car did you? How Silly of you.."
His wife. Whife. White. whyt? Wait. No not wait. It is going, the light is red. Stop and wait. Don't. Go. Just Go. No. wait. White. Silence and white noise. Static, the radio. Numb like icecubes. snowflakes. His fingers raw. His mind gropes. ropes, burning as he fell as a kid. Crying. Tears on his lips, they. They are shredded papers. Black muck eating his hands, starting with the fingers. Nothing. no thing. No word. No no. "Hello...." His voice bouncing back, endlessly. End lessly. Endlessly blank. Blank. Clank. the metal grates.


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